Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Republican Office Opens

Bastrop County Republican Party is reopening an office on Main St.  The new office is located at 1007 Main St., Suite G in Bastrop (the Sanborn Building).

The Bastrop Chamber of Commerce will host a ribbon cutting ceremony on June 29, at 4:00 p.m.  Then the Grand Opening will follow on Saturday, July 1, from 3-8pm with refreshment available.  The Grand Opening inaugurates the office being open to the public Saturdays on a regular schedule.  Those hours will broaden as more volunteers are identified to help man the office.  To volunteer, contact Damon Doss at

Albert L. Ellison, Founder
Bastrop County Republican News

June Republican Meeting in Bastrop

On Monday, May 26, at 7:00 p.m., Bastrop County Republican Party will hold its monthly meeting at First National Bank in Bastrop.  The guest speaker will be Eric Opiela, former assistant general counsel to Republican Party of Texas to discuss the importance of rural Texas on Keeping Texas Red!  Light refreshments will be served.

Albert L. Ellison, Founder
Bastrop County Republican News