Wednesday, March 7, 2018

2018 Primary Results

Here are the election results of the 2018 Republican Primary, as best things can be determined at the time of this publishing.  Candidates highlighted in red text appear to have won their race.  Candidates highlighted in green text appear to be advancing to a runoff election this May.  The below results reflect 100% of the Bastrop County vote counted (with the exception of any provisional ballots yet to be evaluated), and statewide results show the percentage of the vote that was counted at the time I prepared these results.

Office Candidate Bastrop Texas % Report-
US Senate Ted Cruz80.38%85.36%71.19%
Stefano de Stefano3.37%2.84%
Bruce Jacobson6.81%4.22%
Mary Miller7.85%6.10%
Geraldine Sam1.59%1.46%
Congress, District 10John W. Cook28.80%19.42%79.24%
Michael T. McCaul71.20%80.57%
Congress, District 27 Bech Bruun29.75%36.20%88.93%
Michael Cloud22.49%33.99%
Eddie Gassman4.57%2.81%
John Grunwald13.70%6.88%
Jerry Hall19.53%8.16%
Christopher K. Mapp9.96%11.93%
Governor Greg Abbott86.79%90.29%72.42%
SECEDE Kilgore1.94%1.41%
Barbara Krueger11.27%8.29%
Lt. GovernorScott Milder25.43%24.12%72.42%
Dan Patrick74.57%75.87%
Land Commissioner George P. Bush47.23%58.20%84.45%
Davey Edwards7.68%6.81%
Jerry Patterson38.56%29.70%
Rick Range6.53%5.28%
Agriculture CommissionerTrey Blocker25.37%21.31%84.88%
Jim Hogan24.74%22.73%
Sid Miller49.88%55.94%
Railroad Commissioner Christi Craddick77.57%75.85%74.34%
Weston Martinez22.43%24.14%
Presiding Judge, Court of Criminal AppealsDavid Bridges51.24%47.94%84.88%
Sharon Keller48.76%52.05%
Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 8Jay Brandon29.94%30.80%84.45%
Michelle Slaughter50.37%52.54%
Dib Waldrip19.68%16.64%
3rd Court of Appeals, Place 6 Donna Davidson30.08%31.28%88.79%
Jennifer S. Freel22.20%19.93%
Kristofer Monson8.33%9.61%
Michael ("Mike") Toth39.39%39.15%
County JudgeDonald A. Loucks38.43%
Paul Pape61.57%
Commissioner, Precinct 4Rosanna L. Abreo25.11%
Gary "Bubba" Snowden74.89%
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1Kelley Price9.74%
Sherry Cook35.74%
Cindy Allen34.21%
Mac W. Simpson20.32%
County Chairman Dianna Greenwood64.73%
Jeanne Raley35.27%
Precinct Chairman, 1002 James Clifton Sparks67.72%
Derek Van Gilder32.28%
Precinct Chairman, 1003 Carol A. Spencer56.65%
Carl M. Rees43.35%
Precinct Chairman, 1004James V. Richard44.60%
Jarrett A. Namken55.40%
Precinct Chairman, 2005 Michael J. Campbell64.35%
James Raley35.65%
Precinct Chairman, 2006Sandra Stokes49.11%
Cade Hurta50.89%
Precinct Chairman, 3014Ana Zuniga43.67%
Kaye Leidy56.33%
Precinct Chairman, 3016Marc Mulkey48.05%
Mike Gepner51.95%
Prop 1 - replace property tax For70.54%67.94%76.34%
Prop 2 - voter approval of toll roads For91.42%89.88%76.34%
Prop 3 - Speaker of the House selection For82.50%85.12%76.34%
Prop 4 - employee screening with E-Verify For88.16%90.33%76.34%
Prop 5 - tax credits for private education choices For78.39%78.41%76.34%
Prop 6 - bathroom/locker room protection For86.97%90.18%76.34%
Prop 7 - abolish abortion For61.21%68.26%76.34%
Prop 8 - make vote fraud a felony For93.49%94.81%76.34%
Prop 9 - repeal Obamacare For84.12%87.02%76.34%
Prop 10 - cap property tax increases at 4%/year For94.16%93.85%76.34%
Prop 11 - no tax dollars for professional stadiums For90.00%86.75%76.34%

7,059 ballots were cast in the Republican Primary and 3,663 ballots were cast in the Democrat Primary.  In 2014 (during the last Governor's election) there were 4,968 votes in the Republican Primary and 1,800 cast in the Democratic Primary.  So this election saw a high level of participation in both primaries.

Statewide incumbents fared well, with only one close race in the Chief Justice position for Court of Criminal Appeals.  George P. Bush appears to have won by a large margin against comeback challenger Jerry Patterson for the Land Commissioner's office.  Michelle Slaughter appears to be winning an open seat election outright for Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 8.

The contest for Congressman, District 27, will proceed to a runoff election between Bech Bruun and Michael Cloud.

Donna Davidson and Mike Toth will advance to a runoff election for the open seat on the 3rd Court of Appeals., Place 6.

In the Bastrop County Commissioner's Court, Judge Pape and Commissioner Snowden both won their contested elections, and with no Democrat challenger to either in November, they will go on to another term.  There will be a runoff election between Sherry Cook and Cindy Allen for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1.  

In our party races, Dianna Greenwood has been elected the next chairman of the Bastrop County Republican Party.  However, the precinct chairman races that represent the differences of opinion in our executive committee had mixed results.  There was no sweep one direction or another.  Nevertheless, I have confidence that under new leadership, we can have constructive debate again without as much relationship strain.

The ballot propositions all passed, with 9 of them above 75% statewide.

To all who won, my congratulations.  To all who lost, my condolences.  To all who advance to a runoff election this May, my double condolences.

Albert L. Ellison, Founder
Bastrop County Republican News

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Today is Election Day!

Today is Election Day!

Visit to find your  Election Day polling location and view your sample ballot. 

Visit our website for additional voting information. 





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Monday, March 5, 2018

Election Day - Go VOTE!

Tomorrow, March 6, is election day in the Republican Primary!  From this election, we will pick our party nominees for November, we will decide the County Judge and Commissioner, Precinct 4 races (since they are contested in our primary but there isn't any Democrat opposition in November), we will decide a direction for our party with election of our local party officers, and we will speak as voters to 11 issues propositions.  Those propositions are non-binding questions polling support of the voters in the Republican Primary for various issues.

On election day, you must vote at the specific voting location designated for the voting precinct in which you are registered.  Click here to find out your voting precinct and location.  Enter your name and date of birth, then click the "Search" button.  Scroll down to the bottom and in the section titled "My Elections" it will give you the address of your polling location.

You may click here for a list of candidates and propositions that will appear on ballots in Bastrop County, depending on where you live.

Once you have voted, and even if you early voted, don't forget to attend your Precinct Convention at 7:30 p.m. on election day at your polling location.  Click here to learn more about Precinct Conventions.


Albert L. Ellison, Founder
Bastrop County Republican News

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Plan to Attend Your Precinct Convention

When? Tuesday, March 6, is election day in the Republican Primary.  That night at 7:30 p.m., after the polls close, Republican Precinct Conventions will be held at each polling location.  Plan to attend your local precinct convention to make the local Republican Party strong!

Who? To be eligible to participate, you must have voted in the Republican Primary this year (early voting, by mail, or on election day), or not have participated in any other party's primary and be willing to sign an oath of party affiliation as a registered voter.

Where?  Your Precinct Convention will be held at the election-day polling location for the voting precinct in which you are registered to vote.  If you aren't sure where that is, you can look it up at this link.  Enter your name and date of birth, then click the "Search" button.  Scroll down to the bottom and in the section titled "My Elections" it will give you the address of your polling location.

Why? The purpose of the Precinct Convention is to pass resolutions, if you have any, which are issue or policy statements you believe your party should represent or work to achieve.  You also elect delegates and alternates to the County Convention from your voting precinct.  This is the beginning level of how a political party forms its beliefs every two years.

A training video on precinct conventions may be viewed here.

The Next Level - After Precinct Conventions, we then hold a County Convention March 24, 2018, at 10:00 a.m. at the Amenities Center/Clubhouse at The Colony (on Stephen F. Austin Drive on the left, just after Eight Oaks).  The delegates and alternates elected from their precincts will then assemble to adopt a county platform of issues and to elect delegates and alternates to State Convention to be held in June in San Antonio.  There, a statewide platform is adopted, party rules are tweaked, and our statewide party officers are elected for the next two years.

Plan to participate in your precinct conventions this Tuesday, and seek to be elected to the County Convention to help make your local party strong!

I have been active in Republican politics for over twenty years.  I participate - not for the party to tell me what to think - but for me to work to make my party more like me.  The Convention process is your best tool to accomplish that.

Albert L. Ellison, Founder
Bastrop County Republican News