Wednesday, October 26, 2016

BCYR Chair Update

Bastrop County Young Republicans have submitted the following report for publication:

(Message from Bastrop County Young Republican Chairman Jarrett Namken)
Voters have been turning out in record numbers and almost 5,000 citizens have cast ballots. This is historic for Bastrop County and increased turnout enhances excitement and enthusiasm. Your voice truly matters and this presidential election is important because we must protect our government from massively expanding. It is important we stop Hillary Clinton from destroying the values and principles we hold dear.

Some great positive things are happening in Bastrop County. We have got to push really hard for our republican commissioner candidates Mel Hamner (Precinct 1) and Colton Stabeno. (Precinct 3)These guys have been working hard to earn your trust and support. They both have been knocking on doors, putting out signs, listening to voters and giving it their all! Usually when a candidate does rigorous grassroots, this displays their sincerity in listening to concerns and feedback. Colton and Mel are very genuine and public service oriented. We need this because their new ideas, energy and attentiveness increases awareness that local government matters. This ensures our county and communities can reach their full potential. Our other candidates in local races have also been working hard. They need your help as well!

(BCYR Endorsement Candidates)

President (Donald Trump)
Sheriff (Maurice Cook)
Commissioner Precinct 1 (Mel Hamner)
Commissioner Precinct 3 (Colton Stabeno)
Constable Precinct 1 (Wayne Wood)
Constable Precinct 2 (Travis Lucas)
Constable Precinct 3 (Tim Sparkman)

Let's get excited!!!!!! Exercise your constitutional right! Go vote!!!

Jarrett A. Namken (BCYR Chairman)

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