Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Republicans Meet 10/23/17 in Smithville

Learn about Bastrop County GOP recent happenings
Dear Fellow Republicans,

We are rapidly coming up on the time where the BCRP will have another meeting for you to enjoy.  As usual, I have tried to book speakers that will provide you with information you need as an active Republican voter.

This month I am pleased to announce our speaker will be Ash Wright, currently the senior Political Director for Land Commissioner George P. Bush.

Ash has a long history of political activism serving as a precinct chair at the age of 18 rising in the ranks with the GOP serving as Political Director for the Republican Party of Texas in 2008/2009.  He is currently partners with Joe J. Williams at Wright, Williams & Associates, a candidate advisor team.  Ash has worked on campaigns at every level, from President all the way down the ballot.

For Ash's complete bio:

Ash and his wife, Patty, live in Cedar Park, Texas with their adopted son, Nathan.

With 2018 being a major election year, Ash's insight into the campaign end of politics and his expertise in other areas will surely provide you with a meeting you will enjoy.

Date:   October 23, 2017
Place:  First National Bank of Bastrop
           312 Main Street
            Smithville, Texas

Time:  7:00 P.M.

And let me remind you again, our speakers come to Bastrop County at their own expense because of their own desire to help Republicans voters be well informed.  Please, do try to attend this meeting as we start to kick off the campaign season and give Ash Wright a warm Bastrop County welcome.

I look forward to seeing you in Smithville next Monday evening.


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Pol. adv. paid for by the Bastrop County Republican Party; PO Box 375; Bastrop TX 78602
Jeanne Raley, Chair; J.D. Mican, Treasurer
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