Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Today is Election Day!

Today is Election Day!

Visit http://www.bastropvotes.org/voter-information-2/voter-lookup/#VoterSearch to find your  Election Day polling location and view your sample ballot. 

A Texas primary runoff election is triggered when no candidate in the primary election receives more than 50 percent of the votes. The top two candidates have a runoff election.  Once a voter has voted in one party, that voter cannot participate in another party's election or convention during the primaries. 
For the primary runoff election…
If you voted on the Republican ballot in the primary election… vote on the Republican ballot. 
If you voted on the Democratic ballot in the primary election… vote on the Democratic ballot.
If you didn't vote in the primary election… vote on either the Republican or Democratic ballot.
In November's General Election… vote for any candidates in any party.
Don't forget, voting in a primary does not commit you to vote for a particular candidate or party in the general election.

Visit our website for additional voting information. 





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